terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2007


Hugby and Surf

Surf and Hugby are the most practised sports by the australian teenagers.

Beaches of Australia:

Go to the beach in the weekends, in Australia is so popular activity how much go to the shoppings or to take care of the garden. The beaches are excellent, with crystalline waters, however many of them extremely dangerous. People prefer to be far of the water, in the part of the sand, almost in top of the gram.
The beach never is full, therefore many inhabitants live far of it, always leaves many spaces in the sand. For bigger security in the sea, the majority of the people and in special families with children is in the part that has Life Savers (keep-lives), and only dives enters placed banderoles in the place for the same ones (less the surfists).
Australia has one of the biggest incidences of cancer of skin in the world (the hole of Ozone is more in low for here), therefore, to use hat and solar filter is indispensable.Sell any type of product in beaches is forbidden, and many people bring sandwiches of house. Also it is not allowed to the alcóolics drink consumption in beachs. Normally the beaches possess a very good infrastructure, with shower, taps, easy parking, park lawn, bathrooms, public churrasqueiras, areas for picnic, table, banks, track for walked, devices for exercises, and one playground for children. The beaches are not domestic animals allow. Normally informative plates announce on what it is allowed.

Australian radios:

"Triple J" is the one that touches more Rock of local bands, new and alternative. It is a radio directed toward the adolescents.
Already "Sea FM" touches Rock of some times, also the classic.
As all the radios of the world, repeat very music.
Other radios touch some thing for other musical preferences.
In Sydney has a program in Portuguese commanded for Brazilians. It goes to air all to sixth, of the 11 to the noon, in the 97,7 FM. Colloquy is called "Line" and all the week has talkback and distributes toasts (Radio SBS).

Australian television:

Channels (saved SBS) with cultural programming and diverse sets of documents and to see soccer.On Saturdays to the afternoon, games and summaries of all the parts of the world are shown, also of Brazil and Portugal. The too much canals, offer programs of garden, as to take care of esteem animal, as to emaciate, as to pay the faster proper house..
For notice, they has a more global periodical, and comes back and stocking with facts on the South America and Europe. Excessively total they are compromised to notice local. On Saturdays it has race of car, and on the Sundays, games of Cricket and Rugby almost the day all. The local periodical, shows the conditions of surf, meteorology and fishes, for all the region.

Fashion in Australia:

As the majority of the cities is very on to the beach, the way to dress in Australia is well casual, therefore each one is dressed as well it understands. Of any form, the men in its majority, do not use many colorful clothes or with many designs.The concept of "cafona" not exists there. In beaches it is more common men and women to use shorts and bermuda shorts instead of bikinis and sungas. For solemn occasions, formal, or of adequate work, suits is the waited one. The Casual Smart is the style most used for men in the work, and consists of shoes, long pants, belt, and folded long sleeve shirt until the height of the elbow. Women in general prefers to use gold (without fear of assault).

Navigation and Would fish in Australia:

Hobby number one of the Australians (also children), is would fish it in the weekends. The amount of aluminum boats motorized, calls of Tinnies as well as people fishing of bridges, dams, in the rivers, canals, and in the sea, is enormous. The Australia is sufficiently piscosa, with fish of all the types and sizes being the the most fished Bream, Flathead and Red Snapper. The crabs are literally giant, and inhabit all the canals and manguezaias. Calls of Crab Pot are pegos here with covos traps type. The detail is that it is not all fish that can be fished, therefore exist serious regulations with relation to the size, the sex, and the amount. In case that its capture is is of the regulations, or if one siri or crab is a female, you it will have to immediately return the animal to the sea, is alive it or died. The species ownership is of the regulations causes severe fines. Also a Bag Limit exists that is the amount that each species that can be captured in an only day, for an only person. Venda of any fruit of the sea fished for you to third also is illegal. Tables with drawings of the fish, minimum sizes and amounts, can be obtained gratuitously in the innumerable store of fish spread for all the city. These store, beyond all the equipment of fish, also they vendem iscas, and they give information on that fish this biting that isca and where. If it does not forget to take a ruler for would fish, to verify if its trophy, is legal. In the state of Queensland, he is not necessary to get license for fishes fan, as well as leading boats with engines up to 6 HP or boats without capacity of "glide". In other states, license for fishes fan is vendida in the store of the branch.

Houses in Australia:

The Australians give much attention to their houses. One of the preferred activities of many, is to remodel the house and to develop the gardens.The majority of the Australians, is not become attached to a region, and if they move of house, quarter, or of state quickly.
The infraone in the different cities is basically the same ones, and the familiar bows are seen of different form of that we are accustomed. To leaving of the 16 years, many young already does not live more with the family, and above of 21 rare still a deferred payment with the parents. It is very easy to gain the sufficient to support themselves with any work that if makes and to divide the rent of a house or apartment with friends. The Australian social insurance still for paid top a monthly allowance for the young.

Style of life in the Australia

The Australian is glad, friendly and adores to make jokes with the things. It is private, and the times he can seem cold. This very must the culture of the privacy in Australia, where any personal thing nao is subject its. In other words, you it can speak of any subject, but to speak of personal or sentimental things, it will go to demand a little more than time and intermeshing. The majority of the Australians inhabits coastal cities and therefore it has extreme linking with the sea and the mountain. They adore activities to the outdoors and they very travel always that it will have a holiday, being camping and it fishes it fan, the practised activities of leisure more. The Australian of certain form is enslaved of the established social standards, searching always security and planning for the future. This occurs due the institutions to be solid, without many high and low, surprises in the economy.

quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2007


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